Tuesday, October 31, 2006

happy halloween.

i woke up this morning at about 6:32am and promptly was quite awake.
it was raher refreshing to brush my teeth, but i made the mistake of trying too drink some OJ shortly thereafter. yowzers!

after making sure my son roscoe had been fed and hydrated, i headed off, with a skip in my step, to work for the man!


it was a rather uneventful day as it was not jeans day, nor bagel day in the office.

oh well.
i called the little guy a few times, and sent him too emails before i realized he was not working today.

i had been quite rather hoping to see him in the elevator and ask him about the weather.
for lunch sarah had prepared a P&J, a banana, and a box of juicy juice in the fruit punch flavor.
it was quite refreshing. sarah is really great.
i would probably die if she wasn't always taking care of me. she'll even wipe my ass when nessasary! but that is because i am awesome.


this is where i like to sneek in some information about sports that are not cycling.
it is because i need to reaffirm my maleness after having sarah help me shave my legs.

i like to talk about college football, hockey, and occasionally nascar.
i like the 19 in nascar, beyond that i don't really know two much. it is because i have a short attention span, and cannot focus on anything for more than a few seconds.
it is rather amazing i can write blog entries that are this long considering. but i can do it because i am awesome.



(dis)pencer said...

do you know what thedispencer blog is for halloween?

Tuffy said...

Don't rip on Juicy Juice. It's really hard to find an affordable juice that's not from concentrate. So back off Juicy Juice.

Nestle paid me to say that.

(dis)pencer said...


i just cut and paste from past posts...

this is all real folks.

Anonymous said...

Whether or not it's real, it's definitely funny and awesome at the same time.

Strats said...

The Super Rookie blog costume...perfect. That's some funny shit.

Jim said...

That's Awesome!