Thursday, November 29, 2007


i added some stuff.

like btdc, and
(also sexy adam, xjasonx, and crc).

most importantly, i've added the mn racer ranking page.

it is my very favorite website.
for real.

it is super awesome. don't ever change.
(although, it would be nice if it listed the little guy as part of lgr, and not unattached).

i like it because it does it right.
rank the racers that matter. rank races on different points scales according to importance. and show overalls, as well as cx, road, and mtn separately.

who ever the genius is behind it, well... i'd take them out to a movie anytime.

i've also removed some shitty links.

closed circut to strats - 48, baby. 48.


Strats said...

Yeah, congrats to your #48! Had I continued the NASCAR spreadsheet, I'm positive you would have kicked Tuffy's ass.

Strats said...

most importantly, i've added the mn racer ranking page. it is my very favorite website.for real.
it is super awesome. don't ever change.

It is awesome...if you're a guy.

D-Swanson needs to step it up a notch if he wants to impress the ladies.

(dis)pencer said...

hey, that's right!

what the hell?

where are the ladies dano?

you are now my only second fav... after

Anonymous said...

tuffy would have just changed cars if he thought his won't win.
- monty