Tuesday, November 04, 2008


being guilt-tripped into voting for the least offensive politician isn't synonymous with genuine democracy.

i am not going to
write it again.


los said...

it's not. you're right.

it's a broken system, with only a very rough semblance to democracy, but it's what we've got.

when your options are 1) waste a vote by trying to engage in true democracy, 2) refuse to participate in an obviously broken system, or 3) vote for the less-bad guy, because at least it's not the most-bad guy, no choice is good.

but at least it's not the most-bad guy.

los said...

ps - don't bother writing it again. i don't disagree with your position, and am not really trying to debate it.

i just happen to come away with a different outcome when i go through that thought process.

Clayton said...

Hold true to your values, and lets get the system to work, or die trying

Christopher Smith said...

Playing pretend is no fun unless everyone plays along.

Why do you hate to play pretend?