Tuesday, December 12, 2006

panic at the disco?

it is about damn time someone lets discovery know that they are not above the law.

it's not that i hate discovery channel as a team.

but i do generally not agree with their attitide.

a few short months ago i would have said "good for them, if they didn't do it [sign basso], someone else would"... but i don't know anymore.

maybe some shit team would, but i am actually pretty impressed by the serious stands that the pro tour teams seem to be taking.

(can you tell that i'm still just a little pessimistic at heart?)

in other news, lgr is super rad.

we've signed many good riders for the upcoming season, and have a few more suprises up our sleeves too. beware.

also, we were awarded a brand new cx race to promote next year, as well as stage one of the tour of 10k lakes.

"the grumpys/lgr circut race at the statefair grounds".

what a nice ring.

we are looking forward to a great season, and we hope you are to, and we apologize in advance for taking the victories at your targeted races.


StevenCX said...

I don't know, this guilty until proven innocent vendetta is discrediting a well-intentioned effort to clean up cycling. Either prove it conclusively or let 'em race, stop dicking around and making things worse.

(dis)pencer said...


cat 2 is the new pro.

i am so over those dudes.