darwin cx.
powderhorn cx.
it's always fun doing new courses.
and there were two new ones this weekend!
rolling out to darwin i was hoping for a "flat" course, or something with a lot of spots for recovery, because i knew phorn would be hard... not to be.
darwin was hard.
hard hard.
if you missed this race, you missed something pretty rad.
...and hard. there was no recovery on this course, (for me anyway).
that said, the course was really cool, and super fun to ride. (even if it was kicking my ass).
easily one of the best on the calendar, but they may want to couple it with a different race... unless people really like the super pain-filled weekend. (for the record, i'm ok with it).
as for p-horn;
well, for some reason i woke up sunday morning with the stellar idea that i would rock the a2 race and the ss b race on my ss mountain bike.
so it was to be a triple-dip weekend for me!
(oh crap).
i lined up for the b race, but things were behind schedule, which was a blessing in disguise because i must've punctured in my warm up lap and the wheel went flat flat flat as i was waiting for the gun.
hmmm... what to do?
i didn't feel like harassing the busy reg volunteers for a $5 refund, so i rode back to the car and
grabbed the geared bike and hopped in the very back of the pack as they hit the barriers after the first few seconds of the race.
i had a blast in the big field, and trying to kill every section of the course with no pressure. (i figured i would drop out before the finish, since i was not on a ss, but would be scored like i had been).
anyway, i did half the race and pulled out, but i think i had made my way from 80th or so to 20th or so. not bad.
the a race was a blast too, and i felt comfy having gotten to do a few laps a race pace already.
unfortunately, the triple-dip was trouble on the legs and i hit the wall bad with 3 to go...
i was pretty toasted, but i ground it out to the finish. i lost 4-5 spots that i don't think i would have otherwise, but i still managed to ride that hill every lap!
(i was amazed too, but i kept a poker face).
the important part was that i had a blast, and my whole family came out to watch!
family count:
1 dad, 1 mom, 1 aunt, 2 uncles, 1 grandma.
plus like a million others cheering me on all the way around the course that was super awesome! thanks!
i have no idea who was where, but the shouting definitely helps a lot!
i could feel the love through all the pain. (...and there was a lot of pain).
quite the draw, i saw all the kids out in the park!
b-rad, zito, citygirl, ray, strats, skidsy, amyc, theo/aura, hpe, team leader, homme, caitlyn, hollyhocks, biggmatt, justine, death, baba, and so many more!
Was Team Leader actually cheering for you? Or, was he telling you that you weren't very good?
Excellent race to watch.
1 of 2 Uncles
I enjoyed officiating with your Dad. He's way cooler than you... :)
i hear that a bit too often for it to be true... ;)
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