Saturday, June 07, 2008


there ain't no fgc webcast on, and there ain't no updates on bikethrew.dorks.


...time to check, he's the last stop to see if there is anyone is paying attention to the track racing.


as usual, no one could give a damn about the velodrome. i spent 45min's looking all over fox9's shitty ad-filled website... nothing. a search for velodrome? no results.
a search for fixed gear classic? no results. a search for bicycle? no relevent results.

total b.s.

the link on the nvgp site that says "click to start watching!" doesn't work.

sometimes life just won't stop kicking you in the crotch.


OTR said...

Go watch in person and I'll be happy to kick you in the crotch.

Super Rookie said...

I saw it on there :)

Christopher Smith said...

I'll tell you all about it on Monday...then I'll kick you in the crotch.

(dis)pencer said...

smithers and frye- you guys have been kicking me in the crotch for awhile... give someone else a turn.

rookie- thanks thats such a big help! it gets me both the 45 min of my life and the $5 for a coffee at the internet cafe back! thanks so much for the useful information that was (and still is not) public knowledge anywhere on the fox9, nsc, or nvgp sites!

(dis)pencer said...

p.s. rookie- i just went to that short and easy to remember url address, and guess what?

nothing about bikes!

more lies from sr. big suprise!

Christopher Smith said...

Yea, they did not do a very good job getting that info out there regarding the web cast.

maybe they knew that you would be looking for it and make a decision to kick you in the crotch instead.

Skibby said...


swift vent kick