Tuesday, August 07, 2007

what's cooler?

homme, now that the m4/5 case is closed i need an answer on this, asap.

which is more awesome;

riding a bike with your last name on it?

or, riding a bike with your first name on it?

i don't know if i'll be able to sleep tonight without an answer....


Anonymous said...

That is a great question Dis, I'm glad you brought it up! I find myself especially blessed to answer this question because of my expertise on this matter:

a) Scott Flanders knows me personally and I have ridden on his team.

b) Although Keith Bianchi doesn't know me, I do own a Bianchi and like to ride it to work.

The first thing you need to know is that it is super awesome to know me personally and to ride the same brand of bike that I do. I have to give the slight nod to Scott though because, not only does he know me, he's the one that sold me my Bianchi, at a sweet discount (double awesomeness).

Final judgement, cooler to ride a bike with your first name on it. Sleep well my friend.

Jared Roy said...

both lame, unless it's your company or brand or you're 12

Tuffy said...

It's why I'm naming my first born "BiMiC".

Unknown said...

who's selling Chai's in town?

Anonymous said...

i think the real question is
is the little guy the only local with a team of the same name that doesnt own a bike shop

(dis)pencer said...

who's selling Chai's in town?

i don't know, but what i do know is someone needs to start producing Donger's...

los said...

Good question! Somebody get The Little Guy a bike shop!